Nov 3, 2022

Celebrating 30 years!

By PFM Search

30 years ago, PFM Executive Search was formed with the vision of creating an executive search firm that provides tailor-made executive search services to clients in the private, public and not-for-profit Sectors. At PFM we are committed to supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; this commitment is woven into our values and beliefs as an organization. Our team acknowledges the unique challenges and structural barriers that marginalized groups face within the work place. With many of our team members knowing first-hand how an individual’s lived experiences with race, gender, sexual orientation, and ability can impact their access to leadership opportunities, PFM takes an intentional and meaningful approach to consider our candidates unique circumstances and structural barriers they may have faced throughout their career. We believe we have the opportunity and responsibility to shape a future for executive leadership based on values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Therefore, we are taking action and doing our part by implementing a DEI lens to every aspect of the work we do.


Our business is entirely based on trust and relationships. To that end, we are incredibly proud of the PFM team and those who have shaped our values and culture along the way to ensure we never lose sight of what’s important. Garth Pinton, Casey Forrest and George Madden built this firm on the foundation of being humble, working hard and treating everyone with the utmost respect, and we have lived those values for 30 years. The outstanding team we have with us today will carry this legacy forward while ensuring we are changing and adapting to meet the needs of candidates and clients.


To our clients – many of whom have worked with us for most of the 30 years we’ve been in business – we thank you so much. We truly value the partnerships and friendships we’ve developed over the years, and don’t take the trust we’ve built with you for granted.


We look forward to seeing what the next 30 years will bring!